
Jonathan Schnapp, Extreme Entrepreneurship & Shuffleboard Parlors

A former professor at New York University’s Design and Digital Arts Department since 2001, Jonathan Schnapp was the founder and principal of the international web development firm, Schnapp Studio.

Inder Singh: Creating the World’s ‘Smartest’ Thermometer, Stop Outbreaks in Real-time

Inder Singh is the founder and CEO of Kinsa, a venture-backed startup creating the first real-time map of health, and formerly served as the Executive Vice President of the multi-national

Michael Karnjanaprakorn – Founder & CEO of Skillshare.com, Education and the Internet

Michael Karnjanaprakorn – Michael is the CEO/co-founder of Skillshare, a community marketplace for classes. Skillshare is a community of teachers and students driven by a passion to share real-word skills through collaborative

Ayah Bdeir – The Best in DIY Arduinos & Modular Electronics

Ayah Bdeir is an interactive artist and engineer and the founder of littlebits http://littlebits.cc/about , an open source kit of pre-assembled modular circuits that fasten together with tiny magnets.

Mark Belinsky on ‘How Not to Die in a Dictatorship’

  29.05.2012   LucidNYC   Presenters, Videos   No comments

Super ‘Hacktivist’, advisor & Co-founder of Digital Democracy, aims to build an active civil society through technology, art, and media for free expression. Mark talks about how technology is used